Things I’ve done FOR ME

I’m sitting here being super antsy for no easily identifiable reason. Well, except the million reasons I can come up with. Thanks anxiety! I thought I’d write something to occupy my time. I noticed there’s nothing in the motivational section of my blog! This section will, one day, be filled with awesome things that have helped me.
We are going to start with one of the best things I’ve done for myself. I redecorated my bedroom. I wish I had before pictures for you to really understand. It was orginally pale pink with the bottom bunk of the bunk bed I shared with my sister. I’ve known for a long time that one of the things I’ve been longing for is something to call my own. Truly having my own space. Well I’m sure you’ve noticed on my blog everything is forest-y themed. I really enjoy being outside in nature in the quiet. So, for my room I channeled that with splashes of my favorite color, orange!
After my room, the next best purchase I made for myself is my weighted blanket. It’s exactly what it sounds like. It weighs 15 pounds. It really helps quiet the anxiety that sky rockets the second I get into bed. It has helped immensely! I would definitely recommend this to anyone who has anxiety or trouble falling asleep. Obviously talk to your doctor because it can be harmful to certain medical conditions like trouble breathing or poor circulation are the two I know of offhand.